Monday, May 19, 2008

Tech Institute Rankings..

I got curious and actually googled the college rankings, as expected IITs topped and guess what, I scarcely saw NIT Calicut in some lists, maybe because our data never reached them, maybe because we never made it to the top 20!!

Some have put NITc somewhere close to 14 and 15..but then it struck me as weird, what is so wrong with us??We don't even figure in the South top 5, IITM,NITT,NITK,NITW, IIIT!!wheres NITC?? Let me put it this way, before we all got here at NITC, we were as good as IIT entrants, some of us even better..But where did all that go? I have tried to convince myself a lot of times before also that we have a lot that IITians don't, say foe example, we have Ragam, Tathva, clubs.. But even they have these things, some of them do it quite well too..Don't you think its time NITc woke up.. its time we work up to our real potential!!

Anyhow I'm thinking about getting busy..


ashish.cs88 said...

Hey dude...I couldnt have agreed seems like a perennial quest in the college to crib..its high time we figure out IIT is what students have made it....its high time we do the same to NITC as well...BTW visit by blog at

ashish.cs88 said...

sorry it is

Ajith Prasad Balakrishnan said...

There are quite a few reasons for NITC being behind IITs..Some of which u'll realize after working for few years.. But yeah, there is a lot that NITC community can do to make it better.

Kryptonite said...

finally.. all posts regarding NITC rankings had something to with the Dataquest ranking.. was refreshing though grim to come across something different.
Well..I've been always trying to figure out what makes NITT so different from us..
the answer lies in the students approach and attitude towards college..

Gramavasi said...

If you go by the qualification faculty, institution from where the faculty obtained their masters and PhDs, the area of campus, beauty of campus, infrastructure (buildings, labs, hostels etc), extracurricular facilities, proximity of IIM, then definitely NIT Calicut is numero uno amongst NITs. NITC CS department is much better than IITG and even IITM in faculty quality. NITC's ME is the best.

(I have visited IITM, IISc, IITB, NITC, NITS, NITW, and NITT campuses.)